VoIP Services & News

News about latest technology on Voice over Internet Protocol, VoIP. Republish articles from various sources to establish awareness among readers about VoIP technology, services and applications.

Friday, March 10, 2006

News, Coffee & VoIP

How coffee shops and information workers can drive the future of VoIP? How blogs can help increase the awareness of VoIP technology among people? Somebody might had thought about this because currently we can search a lot of blogs and website that talk about VoIP. Everyone try their best to provide valuable inputs or information to the users. Internet not only become information resource but also one of communication medias. China also gradually open the strictly-controlled Internet phone market to non-telecom firms. Before this China bans services like SkypeOut to prevent them jeopardizing the less competitive fixed-line business and to protect the revenue of state-owned telcos, including China Telecom and China Netcom. Only six state-owned carriers can launch the "PC to Phone" service under the current policy.

Then how about Malaysia? Do people really care about VoIP technology? There are no specific statistics regarding this matter but from my observation, I think Malaysian still not really expose to this new scenario. Maybe because of digital gap between people in rural and urban area. Current trend in Malaysia is communication companies always try to keep their their customer loyalty and find new potential customers. "Managing profitable customer relationship". That is why now Malaysian can enjoy a quite low rates for SMS and also phone call. Maybe also because of Akademi Fantasia Fever.


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